By Chuck Rice
This idea came about when I ran into a situation where I needed to use both my hands and a Dremel at the same time. In my search for a solution, I came up with this design that allowed me to clamp the Dremel onto my workbench. It has been so handy and works so well, I keep it permanently attached to my workbench.
The shape and strength of one of my C-clamps seemed to be a perfect fit to the Dremel. It supplied the rigidity I needed without adding a lot of extra weight. By using a couple of large hose clamps, I was able to attach my Dremel firmly to the C-clamp. This setup allows you to clamp it onto your workbench, or wherever else you may need it, and still use both of your hands!
The four words to best describe this setup: Simple, Secure, Quick, and Useful.
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